Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mallory and Preston's Actual Birthday:)

I just posted pictures of Mallory and Preston's birthday...this my last post. But I wanted to add to are a few pictures from their ACTUAL birthday last year:) This year has literally flown by! It seems like they were just born and I have been really sentimental thinking about this past year of life with them. From the minute they came into this world, they have brought such joy to my life. They are both such calm, peaceful, happy babies with just the sweetest dispositions. I feel so blessed to be their mother and to have them in our family. I am also grateful to have the opportunity to have a daughter which I really desired. I am grateful to be able to stay at home with my children and to raise and teach them and spend each day with them doing fun things, going on outings and adventures, reading, cuddling, and just doing all the things mothers do. This year has not been easy however. It has been very challenging and frustrating at times trying to meet the needs of four kids under four. When I was pregnant, my dad gave me a father's blessing. In it, he repeatedly said this would be one of the hardest and most challenging times in my life...and he was right! However, he also said that Heavenly Father would help me through this...and he was right about that too! I feel God has given me additional energy in order to be able to meet the needs of my children. I often get very little sleep and sometimes am going non-stop, all day long, yet I rarely feel tired. I feel that he has helped me to find joy in motherhood and feel very positive in a situation that could be potentially hard. He has (and still is) teaching me to be more patient and to have more compassion, and to let go of things that don't really matter. This last year has been tough at times, but oh so rewarding. I remember when the babies were born thinking "if I can just get through this first year, I may be able to survive:)"...and I did!! It gets a little easier each day:) I love my children so much and at this time of celebration for Mallory and Preston's life, I just thank God for the chance to be a mother and for all his help in this responsibility. Now, I didn't post this so all of you would write back and say "oh, you're supermom...blah blah blah"...cuz I'm not...I just wanted to express my gratitude for my precious babies on their first birthday:) Love 'em!


  1. Okay, I won't tell you that you're a supermom, :), but can I tell you that you guys make super cute babies?!? Seriously, I can't get over how adorable they are - those eyes, geesh! I have another friend with a set of twins, both girls, though. And she's always said what a different experience it is to have the blessing of two babies at once. One that someone without multiples can't quite appreciate - such a blessing, but so much more work and strain on the mother that I'm sure it takes a lot of faith and strength on your part. I'm glad your dad was able to comfort you with a blessing to start your first year with the new babies off with a little extra help!:)

  2. Seriously though, you are amazing! I can barely handle my two kids and think of you often when I'm having a hard day. You are my hero! I love the pictures of both sets of have beautiful children...but tell the boys they are handsome. I love to check your blog and find out what you are up to. Thanks for keeping in touch and can't wait to see you all soon!

  3. That was a really nice post. It is strange how your energy comes out of no where. And also the lack of sleep. I used to require so much sleep and then after having the boys I realized I could make it through the day on very little sleep. Happy Birthday to Preston & Mallory too! I bet they did love their cakes! What 1 year old wouldn't!?! Love that VG's gave them for free so they could each have their own.

  4. Julie, I feel blessed to have been close to you for so much of your life, seeing you through no kids to Tanner and Logan and now Preston and Mallory. Reading your blog has me all sappy, but we are so blessed! Why wouldn't Heavenly Father pour out every blessing upon you? You deserve it!

  5. I was thinking since you have 4 kids and I only have one maybe you could let me borrow one or 2 to help me not so baby hungry:)I am amazed at how 2 babies can fit inside of you! I cannot believe that they are one already! They are only 11 months younger then Keagan. When they get older they will seem like the same age:)

  6. Seriously, that made me cry. What a sweet and true post. Thank goodness we have Heavenly Fathers help! You have a beautiful family and are so so so so blessed!...alie

  7. Julie-
    Remember me, Suzie (Lindsey)Stimpson???? I just got your blog address from my sister, Janet, who saw your post on Karen's facebook wall. Ok, we live in a crazy cyber world now but I'm so glad I could see your beautiful family, wow 2 sets of twins!! You look great too...haven't seen you in 10years! You'll have to check us out at
