Today we started our garden...I've been wanting to put one in this summer since we now have a spot to put one and I thought it would be a fun project for our family. I'm using it as one of my personal progress projects as well (kill two birds with one stone:) So today I rented a de-sodder and took off the grass of a 15 by 20 foot area. Then, my friend Pam Ellsworth came over and tilled for me and let us keep the tiller for a few days. She has helped me so much!! I am planning to plant corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash, indian corn, sunflowers, peppers, carrots, and more! I'm looking forward to it. I do have to say though, I am sooooo sore...I haven't done manual labor like that in a while. I have a new respect for farmers:) After I de-sodded, I felt like one of the pioneers who had just gotten into Salt Lake and and planted their farms...I felt victorious!