Friday, November 13, 2009

Women's Resource Center

I was recently asked by Polly Mallory, a lady in my ward, to join the Women's Resource Center Board of Directors. At first, I wasn't quite sure what I was agreeing to, but decided to go ahead and commit to be on the board, and I am really glad I did. The Women's Resource Center is a wonderful non-profit organization in the county that offers many types of counseling services (individual, career, couples, financial, pregnancy, legal, eating disorders, etc.), support groups, workshops and classes, resources and referrals, career boutique for women to get free professional clothing, cinderella's closet (for teenage girls to get free or low-cost dresses for prom and homecoming), lending library, etc. It's just a wonderful resource for women and families in the county. So, part of being on the board of directors is planning fundraisers, publicity and advertising, making decisions, etc. I am really enjoying this opportunity. I feel like I am able to use some professional skills that often go by the wayside as a stay-at-home-mom:) and I also feel like I am volunteering and helping contribute to society. When I went to BYU...the tag line on the signs said..."Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve". I feel like I am serving:)

So, I am the "Social Media" person on the board of directors (a.k.a. website, blog, facebook, twitter, etc.)...which is a big part of the advertising/publicity aspect. I just started a blog for the WRC. Please go visit it... and visit the website at
Please follow the blog and add it to your google reader. I'm trying to start getting publicity through my own blog and please help me out!!:)

We have an upcoming event that you are all invited to. It's called the "Fantasy of Trees". It is Friday, November 27th...the day after Thanksgiving from 10-10 at 108 W. Grand River in downtown Howell. You can come in and buy decorated Christmas trees, wreaths, centerpieces, baked goods, candy, hot chocolate, and other things for the holidays. All proceeds go to the Women's Resource Center. The Fantasy of Lights Parade is that if you and your family are there at the parade, please stop in!...I'll be working the bake sale from 4-6:) If any of you are interested in volunteering or helping out with this event...even just working as a greeter, let me know!

Lastly, the Board of Directors is looking to recruit a few more board members. If any of you in the area might be interested in serving a non-profit organization, consider joining the Board of Directors for the Women's Resource Center. It is a great volunteer opportunity!!


1 comment:

  1. You're going to be great at this, Julie! I'm really happy for you.
